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If you've enjoyed these scripts, give me a follow on Instagram at @SeeNickWrite for other writing projects, designs + more.

Snapchat filters. Uber. Baby Yoda. TikTok. Binge-watching. Fitbit. The world has changed immensely over the last seven years, but our undying love for The Office remains the same. So, how would the greatest sitcom ever made ("Fact.") interpret the world today?

We've seen memes created. We've seen 280-characters-or-less scenes written out. Let's kick it up a notch (or ten) and take an in-depth look at where our favorite T.V. coworkers would be in 2020. A whole episode, you say? Nay – a whole season.

Prepare to embark on an epic, 23-episode, 900-page quest that is a fan fiction screenplay of The Office season 10.

Disclaimer: This content is non-commercial fan fiction, written because of an abiding love for the original work. Any characters, settings or other details from original works in my stories belong to NBCUniversal and any other relevant copyright holders. This work is available on this website solely for the public enjoyment of readers.

Season 10 Bonus Episodes


Season 10


All finished? Follow me @SeeNickWrite And @ModernTheOffice for more The Office content, current writing projects and more.

©2022 Nick Janicki

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